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Gangaraju can return to his job

Panthadi Gangaraju
Dear Peggy,

Panthadi Gangaraju is a 55 year old fisherman, living with his wife, in the village of Valasapakala in coastal Andhra Pradesh. They have two daughters and one son, who are married and living with their families. Gangaraju, the sole breadwiner, earns a monthly income of 25$, which fluctuates depending on the amount of fish he hauls in. The income is barely enough to make ends meet.

His failing vision further depressed him as his occupation demanded that he see well. Because of his poverty, he could not afford new spectacles.

Your donation, Peggy, enabled Sankurathri Foundation to provide a free pair of glasses to him. Gangaraju can now return to his occupation without depending on anyone.

Thank you, Peggy, for restoring Gangaraju’s eyesight and restoring his dignity.

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