This impact story was published by Sankurathri Foundation. Learn more about us, or see the lives we've changed!

Vipparthi is ecstatic to see again

Dear Paris and Virendra,

Vipparthi is a 55 year old widow living in the village of Medapadu, a town in Andhra Pradesh, India. Her husband, Chittodu, died eight years ago. She has two sons that are married and living with their families. Vipparthi earns $2 a day working as a daily laborer, but she has been unable to work for a number of months due to defective vision. She also has no money for a medical check-up.

She recently came to know about the Sankurathri Foundation and visited them to receive a medical check-up. After a thorough examination, she was given glasses free of charge due to your generosity. Thank you, Paris and Virendra, for helping Vipparthi see again.

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